What is a Virtual Teller?
Our Virtual Tellers look and operate very much like an ATM, but give you access to talk with a live teller. Now you can complete routine teller transactions during extended evening and weekend hours!
(Don’t want to speak with a live person? No problem. Each Virtual Teller has an option to use the machine like a standard ATM. Simply insert your debit card to begin an ATM transaction, such as withdraw cash, make a deposit and more.)
What can I do at a Virtual Teller?
You can complete many transactions at any virtual teller machine, including:
• cash checks
• make deposits
• make loan payments
How do I use a Virtual Teller?
It's easy!
- Touch the screen to begin a virtual teller transaction.
- Complete your transaction with a friendly bank teller. (No deposit slip necessary!)
When can I use a Virtual Teller?
Virtual Tellers are available:
Monday through Friday - 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Saturdays - 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
If you need to perform a transaction outside these hours, you can still use the ATM function to withdraw cash, transfer funds, make a deposit and more.